[Monetize Your Website] Basic Ways To Earn Money From Blogging

Many people join blogging because they think that blogging is the easiest way to make money online instead of having passion for it and that's why there are so many bloggers these days.

It is true that blogging gives money but it depends how much time it can take from the blogger. The question is, can you be patience enough to wait for the appropriate time?

Probably, that's one of the challenges a blogger can face if he or she come for the money instead of having soft corner for it.

There are so many ways to start earning through blogging but it's obvious that most people see Google Adsense as the most easiest and fastest way to make money.

Unfortunately, I see that idea to be false. Google Adsense pays but it's nothing but a petty money. However, for the blogger to earn money using his or her Google Adsense depends on how much traffic that comes in the blog daily.

On the other hand, it is your targeted countries. let's say for Nigerian, Indians Ghana etc to click Adsense for you, you can only get the $0.05 for a click while if it is USA, Canada, Australia etc that clicked on your Adsense, it'll be $1.

Now, compare those differences. Secondly, also all the web browsers now have Adblock in them, tell me how you can be able to earn when the visitor toggled on his or her adblock.

Anyways, that's never the problem. Perhaps, there's always a solution to any problem. For the Adblock issue, we've already written an article for that few days back. you can check the solution to it and how to enable Anti-adblock

Ow, the above is just the faze one of earning money through blogging. Have you ever think that there are some other possible ways to make money from blogging aside the popular Google Adsense, let's see that in the faze two.

Apart from Google Adsense, there's another way to make money online which is also popular to most of the bloggers. Here, I'm talking about the Affliate marketing.

Try registering to one affliate market program, am talking about registering for Amazon, Flipkart, Jumia, Konga and a lot more of them (browse more about affiliate link on Google). This can really improve your earning from blogging but there are many procedures to undergo before earning through the Affliate program.

I don't really know if we're the only people getting this error while trying to register for Amazon or is the problem ubiquitous? Anyways, we don't have much hope on Amazon.

For Indian bloggers, I guess that Flipkart is the best online shop. However, Flipkart targets only Indians and no other country, so if your most traffic is from India and you're from India, I suggest that you register for Flipkart and earn more money for yourself.

For Nigerian bloggers, I've heard that Jumia and Konga is the most popular online shop. Perhaps it targets only Nigerians alone (I guess) so if you're a Nigerian blogger then I suggest you register for one of the above affliate program.

Keep in mind that affliate marketing pays not less than 10% on any sales you made on your blog. I guess the faze two has finished already, let's look into the faze three.

Now on faze three, you have to be a pro blogger. Here I'm implying to eBook (Electronic Book) set up a page where you can be selling eBook, probably a pro guide on blogging.

However, Blogspot users doesn't have the ability to create such page but WordPress users have all it takes to create such page. If you can be able to setup a page where you can sale eBook on your blog then it is a good means to make money from blogging.

Done with the faze three already, is it too short? uh uh (please don't mind me). Let's look at the faze four of earning money from blogging.

To earn money with the faze four procedure, you need to make your blog rank high, both globally and regionally, make your posts to be available on Google search engine, and target countries like America, Canada, Australia, India and a lot more.

Remember, your article must be good and unique so as to be able to entice the reader and to give them the impression to say that your blog with it.

Here, am talking about writing a sponsored article. Do you know that sponsored article really pays? Well, if you don't then know it today. Perhaps, this is another means to make money from blogging.

For tech bloggers, we charge $50 for start (i.e if it's your first time, hence the price is also negotiable) and for music and video blog, you have to charge money from the artist to promote their music for them.

However, it's left for you to decide but if you really need the money then you need to charge the person some ransome to promote his or her music.

Hence, you (bloggers) are not expected to tell anyone (sponsor) to make an article for them, rather they'll be the one looking for the way to contact you.

I hope the above procedures will work for you, the above are the basic ways to earn money from blogging. Hence, there are many options for you to go choose from and if you can handle all of them then more income is knocking at your door.

Anyways, feel free to communicate with us via the contact form, if there's the one you didn't understand or if you want to talk us your point of view

Masukan Emailmu Untuk Menjadi Visitor Premium Abida Massi

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